Summer to Fall Dresses with my girls and Garbarini

Hi Guys!!

Wow, am I glad to (see) you!! I tried to get this post up last night and my site was down for about 15 hours so thanks for your help and understanding, especially since things have been a little slow the last week while I was enjoying time with my family in the mountains. Every time I sat down to write a post all I could think was: I need to be outside with Stanley breathing the fresh air, soaking in every minute with my people, and enjoying the mountains. And the 8 year old in me just could not sit still longer than 5 minutes to get a post out.  But HIIIIIII, I am back!! I missed you all and can't wait to share more about my trip later this week.

Before heading to Aspen I spent the day with two of my favorite blog friends - Lacey, who you all know by now, and Ali, one of the lovely Chicago ladies Lacey and I met on our trip to Mexico last spring.  I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again (a million times) I am so thankful for all of the people that blogging has brought into my life.  First of all, all of you! And the wonderful friends that I wouldn't have met otherwise.

We partnered with Garbarini, one of the oldest, high end boutiques in Denver to share some dresses that are perfect for this awkward time of year... when it is too warm for fall clothes, but their is a hint of the season turning.

Location: Union Station/Cooper Lounge // Photography: Jenna Sparks

I'll be the first to say it, I was not "wow'ed" by my dress when I first saw it on the hanger.  You probably know by now, that I am drawn to bright colors and pretty patterns.  However, once I put this dress on I changed my tune... I love the feminine fit and flare and the ladylike lace trim and the fabric is perfect for these transition months.  My exact dress is available at Garbarini, but I also love this $37 option and this one too! 

Ali and Lacey are also wearing dresses from the same designer. I love the patterns, and flowy - lightweight fabric of both of their dresses.  They would be perfect layered with this $98 leather jacket as the days cool off, and great simply paired with a pair of fun earrings (I like these!, these and these) until then!

Get all of our looks at Garbarini (they ship worldwide!) or scroll the gallery below.  

This post is in collaboration with Garbarini. As always, all opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make this blog possible!

V - Is for Vote!

Happy Election Day Friends!

My dad first ran for office when I was in first grade - so Election Day has always been a big deal in our house. I will never, ever discuss politics here, except today and only to remind you how important it is to vote!   You can find voter information here!

Campaigning has always been a family activity for us.  Tossing out candy at parades, knocking on doors to hand out literature after soccer practice... and making phone calls on election day - it is so much fun and such a big part of who my sisters and I are.  Fall during an election year, the campaign office was our second home.  And as a daughter, it is my right to put a little plug in for my dad and ask you to vote for him if you live in the 7th congressional district of Colorado :)!  

I wore this outfit to dinner over the weekend in the mountains.  It is pretty crazy that we can still go tightsless in the mountains in November, but I'll take it! I snagged this skirt $79 at J Crew Factory (love it there!) and am planning on wearing it tonight for election night festivities tonight!  I like that it is conservative, but still fun with the tie on the side.  It also comes in burgundy! This blanket scarf is my favorite for this time of the year and is perfect to carry through the holidays - and let me tell you, is so cozy (and under $45)!  I wear these booties All. The. Time. - so comfy and love that the neutral color goes with pretty much anything!  Also, I used to be a necklace and studs girl, but these earrings have changed that! They are a little heavy, but I have still been wearing them every chance I get!

I hope you have a wonderful Election Day! Follow Zoe and me along on some Election Day adventures today on my instagram stories.

These Boots are Made for Walking through Fall

Hi Friends, Happy Thursday!

Hope you are enjoying this beautiful week!  As I mentioned yesterday, we are having a serious Indian Summer over here and I am not complaining one bit.

I have heard mumblings from people that they can't wait for the cold and sleet and the snow and hot cocoa.  All I can think is "hold your horses people!" there will be plenty I promise.  Enjoy the sunshine!  That being said, yesterday I spent the day working outside, the sunshine on my face, Stanley at my feet and drinking endless amounts of lemonade from one of my favorite pup friendly neighborhood spots (Postino).  And I will hopefully be doing the same thing today and tomorrow.


Last weekend lovely Lacey from My Boring Closet and I got together to share our favorite boots of the season!  We met up in the sweet Wash Park neighborhood of Gaylord and had a blast sampling goodies from Devils Food Bakery and peeking in the adorable boutiques!

I have been getting a lot of questions from you about picking the right boot.  I know the process can seem kind of scary because boots used to be such an investment.  But there are so many great options right now at wonderful price points! 

I mentioned here - that I have had these for two seasons now! They are my favorite boot.  And yes, I do wear them with black!  I have also had my eye on these Tory Burch boots for a while and they are currently a part of the ShopBop Surprise Sale (today is the last day!).  I also just purchased my first pair of over the knee boots (big deal you guys - I have short legs!!).  I am really excited about these because they aren't too high/tight, and have a nice heel height - pretty much the Goldilocks of boots! Oh and 40% right now - bonus! 

I love Lacey's whole look.  So perfect for fall and any upcoming Thanksgiving festivities! Her boots are a steal ($77!) and come in three other colors! I am thinking about the burgundy (you know how I feel about burgundy!).  I also love these - both have the tie at the top which makes the over the knee not as scary as they once were to me.  I will share my new pair with you soon!

I can't wait to see your favorite boots.  Have you tried over the knee boots? Maybe I have just been a chicken.  Have a great day!





Burgundy Fall

Morning Friends!

Hope you had a wonderful Halloween weekend!!  I can't believe that here we are - the beginning of November and it still feels like late summer.  One thing I love about Colorado is that we have four true seasons.  Sometimes in the dead of winter I wish Jonny and I lived in California or Arizona where the weather is always mild, but then I remember we would never get days like these!

Last week, I took Stanley on a stroll and the leaves seemed to be at their peak.   Just a few days later he has almost doubled in size and  these beautiful leaves are almost gone.  Looking through these photos I got a little sad remembering a gorgeous fall day last year with Mr. Brown, so I am reminded to savor every minute of our changing Colorado seasons.

Since it has been unseasonably warm layering has not really been necessary just yet.  I have been loving these lightweight turlenecks from Madewell.  I liked this one so much I also bought it in black and blue and am planning on getting blush and red for the Holidays since they are currently on sale ($29.95).  Burgundy has been my very favorite color to wear this fall and I am sure will continue through the holidays and the new year - I was so excited when I spotted these Hunters in my new favorite color.  If it were chilly enough for a jacket, I would have worn this faux leather jacket ($32)! 

Have a great day!





Pumpkin Pickin

Happy Wednesday Friends,

I hope you are having a wonderful week...  if you are here in CO, seriously, can you believe this weather?  And if you are not, hope it is just as beautiful where you are!!

Jonny and I spent the better part of this past weekend enjoying the sunshine and our new puppy, Stanley.  He is an absolute riot and super smart... I sound like such a crazy dog lady, but I am convinced he is a puppy angel sent by Charlie Brown (why not, right?).  

It is rare that we have a free day that neither Jonny or I have work, a birthday, wedding, or other beautiful commitment so we decided to take a little daycation to Boulder and stop at the Cottonwood Farms Pumpkin Patch along the way.  We searched all over for a place that would also allow Stanley and it seems this is the only pumpkin patch that is also dog friendly.  Well, we were so glad we stopped here because it was incredibly charming.  Entry is free, wagons provided for your pumpkin picking pleasure, and possibly the highlight for me.... they have a mini horse!! One day I am going to get one and my poor husband is just going to come home to a small zoo in our townhouse.  

Jonny and I were so excited enjoy the beautiful fall day at the pumpkin patch.  And, my flannel that I just snagged from Madewell is super comfy! Definitely cozy, so will be perfect for chillier temperatures later this fall and winter.  I love how versatile this skirt is too - I have also worn it with a white tee and booties and will be great with black tights and boots in cooler temps too!  My boots and purse are both tried and true favorites.  Jonny actually got me both for Christmas two years ago and they have stayed in such wonderful condition!  Shop all outfit details below.

Would love to hear your favorite pumpkin picking spots!  Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week!