Father's Day Fun

Happy Monday,

I hope your week is off to a great start and had a wonderful weekend with your families.  This past weekend we had a lot of celebrating since Zoe turned 25 and Father's Day happened to fall on the same day.  We ended up at Stones, a new adorable spot just around the corner for several of the occasions.... you have to try it!

I loved reading everyone's social media posts about their father's yesterday.  Our dad is a pretty special guy - he has shown my sisters and me that kindness and generosity go a long way.  Although there are so many things that my dad has taught me - like "there is no crying in baseball,", but "it's ok to throw like a girl."  There are a few lessons that that have stuck with me and I hope to instill in our kids someday.

He taught us that you are only as good as your word.  I still remember the disappointed look on my dad's face when he found out that I forged his signature so I could get out of gym class in middle school (I didn't want to mess up my hair.... priorities, right?).  My teacher called him and I immediately knew why he was standing in the hallway to pick me up - his face said it all and he explained to me that you are only as good as your word.  I am sure there have been a few slip ups along the way, but honesty was instilled in me in that moment.  

My sisters and I were quite the handful - I can imagine raising three girls would be serious a task and I applaud our parents daily... As our friends and family are starting to have kids, I realize parenting is not the easy job it once seemed.   One thing that my dad would say (says) to us regularly is that beauty only matters from inside.  As little girls if we mentioned that someone was pretty, he would point to our heart and say, "where does beauty matter?" I think this is such an important thing for a little girl to learn - it teaches kindness and confidence in a few short words and something that has stuck with my sisters and me since day one.

I would love to hear your favorite lessons that have stuck with you! Feel free to comment below or email them.  Jonny and I have some fun travel coming up this week.  Be sure to follow along on snapchat (Username: denver.darling).